08 January 2013

0 Inspired to Write: PicLits

PicLits.com is a creative writing site which provides images (unfortunately, you cannot upload your own pictures) and word banks to generate sentences about the picture.  According to the site, “The object is to put the right words in the right place and the right order to capture the essence, story, and meaning of the picture.” 

Students have the option to choose words from the word bank - by dragging/dropping them into the photo - or composing/ “freestyling” their own words.

As the words are dragged/dropped onto the picture, the site allow for the option of capitalization as well as various tenses of the word. It even has end punctuation! How cool is that! 

It is amazing to me that this site has been around since 2008 and I just now stumbled upon it. I cannot wait to share this with my teachers!

Classroom Applications: 


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