30 January 2011

0 It is Finally Here - Voki for Education!

YAY!!! They finally unveiled Voki for Education. For those of you who do not know what a Voki is.........

"A Voki " is a free service that enables teachers and students to express themselves on the Web in their own voice, using a talking character. Anyone can customize their Voki to resemble them or look like many types of characters, such as people, animals, historical figures, and many more. A Voki can speak using your own voice, an uploaded file, or by typing in a message (called text-to-speech). Your Vokis can be posted on your class blog, website, or anywhere online."
Why Use Voki?
"Studies show that using technology in education improves students' achievements. Voki is a unique tool to engage your students in creative expressions. As Albert Einstein once said: "It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge."
How Can You Use Voki in the Classroom?

With the unveiling of Voki for Education...they have created a Teacher's Corner Forum and Lesson Plan Bank. Since Voki for Education just rolled out - there are not a whole lot of Elem Ed. lesson plans but I image within a few months, there will be a slew of lessons on how educators are integrating Voki into their curricula!


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